Yup --minimal. You can get onscreen updates by using the iostat program
(available in most linux distributions). It will give you updates per disk,
not per fio job, so its usability in your case may or may not be limited.
On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 2:35 PM, Jenkins, Lee <Lee.Jenkins_at_hp.com> wrote:
> I'd like on-screen updates every few seconds, and logged-to-file stats at
> the end of each job. I like to be able to tell at a glance what and how each
> machine is running. Part of my job is writing firmware for array
> controllers, and although *my* code certainly never has bugs ( ;-) ),
> sometimes the test builds can cause the controller to lock up. So visual
> feeback is important. On the other hand, the stats also need to be saved for
> uploading into a database so the tabular data is impotant, too.
> I looked for "minimal" in the HOWTO but I cannot find that option. After
> digging around I found a section "7.0 Terse output" at the end of the file
> that says, "For scripted usage where you typically want to generate tables
> or graphs of the results, fio can output the results in a semicolon
> separated format." It shows an example of the output, but it doesn't say how
> to cause it to be generated. Does --minimal do this?
> Lee Jenkins
> HP Server Storage Performance
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Shawn Lewis [mailto:shawnlewis_at_google.com]
> *Sent:* Friday, September 26, 2008 2:46 PM
> *To:* Jenkins, Lee
> *Cc:* fio-devel_at_kernel.dk
> *Subject:* Re: Stats log
> Are you saying you want updates every few seconds or just at the end of
> the run? If you just want it at the end of the run the --minimal command
> line flag gives you tabular output. Check the HOWTO for the format.
> On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 12:27 PM, Jenkins, Lee <Lee.Jenkins_at_hp.com> wrote:
>> I'd like to propose a stats-log option for fio. The log would contain
>> the statistics that appear on stdout but in a tabular form where each line
>> (row) represents a job and the stats are delimited (user-specifiable, comma
>> by default). The first line of the stats file could contain column headers
>> for parser identification. For example:
>> job name,iodepth,iops,read iops,write iops,bw,read bw,write bw,avg lat,avg
>> read lat,avg write lat,max lat,max read lat,max write lat, …etc.
>> Yes, I know this can be done by applying a filter to stdout -- I have
>> actaully already written a perl filter that does just that. However, when
>> stdout is redirected there is no on-screen notification of test progress or
>> current stats. On-screen display is quite handy when you want to spot-check
>> bw rates on job-batches that take several hours to complete. This is the
>> real essence of this proposal: simultaneous on-screen and log-file recording
>> of statistics. I used tee, but there is still no real-time indication of the
>> data rate, or even which job is running.
>> Also, I'd like to request that all the stats be displayed as
>> floating-point real numbers. Some are currently integers (iops, max latency,
>> etc.), which is fine when there are several digits but not for single-digit
>> values.
>> Lee Jenkins
>> HP Server Storage Performance
Received on Fri Sep 26 2008 - 23:58:03 CEST
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